Hospiscare Heroes – From coffee mornings to cheque donations

Our Hospiscare Heroes have been flexing their superpowers to support our charity in an incredible variety of ways

Our Hospiscare Heroes are truly super; week after week, they support our local charity with their fundraising endeavours across Exeter, Mid and East Devon, ensuring we can be there for our patients and their families when they need us most.

From all of us at Hospiscare, we are sending a huge thank you to all of our Hospiscare Heroes. Read on to find out how they have been flexing their superpowers this week.

September is a special month for the Hospiscare community. Our Coffee Morning campaign is in full swing! We love seeing your wonderful photos of all your delicious bakes and seeing you come together to raise vital funds for your local hospice! Firstly, we would like to say thank you to members of The Sacred Hearts Church in Exeter who held a very successful coffee morning in aid of Hospiscare last week. Their coffee morning was a scrumptious success and raised a superb £201.59! Thank you to all who helped organise, contribute and support this morning.

Are you a keen baker? Would you like to bring together members of your community or local area for a great cause? If you are interested in getting involved there is still plenty of time to host your very own coffee morning for Hospiscare. Your support this September will make a HUGE difference to local people living with life-limiting illnesses. More information and details on how to register can be found here.

We would like to say a big thank you to Crash Box & Classic Car Club who presented a cheque to their headline charities, one being Hospiscare at their monthly club night last week. This year they have raised an amazing £12,500 for nominated charities. Jake, Area Fundraiser for Hospiscare attended the night to accept this generous donation. Community support like this enables our local charity to continue to provide specialist end-of-life care for patients and their families.

Finally, we would like to pay a special thank you to an honourable Hospiscare Hero, Julie Pumfrey. Julie has regularly supported and fundraised for Hospiscare by holding regular popular bingo nights at the Wonford Inn, Exeter. Over the years Julie and local supporters have raised an incredible £11,900 for Hospiscare. Thank you to all who have supported and attended these fun bingo nights. They provide enjoyment and fun to the community whilst also contributing to such vital local support provided by Hospiscare.

Thank you to all our Hospiscare Heroes on behalf of our staff, patients, and their loved ones.

We love hearing your stories about how you are fundraising for Hospiscare so please get in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter to share your photos and fundraising tales.

If you would like to fundraise for us, please visit our fundraising page to find out more.