Coping with your illness
In this section, you’ll find advice on coping with symptoms, along with tips on self-care, body image, living with dementia and other topics.

Telling people about your diagnosis
It’s never easy to tell someone you love that you have a life-limiting illness, but you might find these tips useful.

How to practise self-care
It’s important to treat ourselves with the same kindness and care that we would show a much loved friend or family member.

Life-limiting illness and body image
The changes our bodies go through due to illness and treatment can make us feel like we’re not ourselves.

Advice for living with dementia
You can still have an enjoyable, meaningful life when you have dementia, and you don’t have to stop doing all the things you love.

What's the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?
Dementia describes the side effects of damage to the brain from a disease. Alzheimer’s is one of those diseases.

Creating the right environment when living with dementia
Small changes can make a big difference when you have dementia. For example, you may need to reduce trip hazards.

How to cope with a productive cough
If you keep coughing up phlegm or sputum, you have a ‘productive cough’. Drinking water and learning breathing techniques can help.

How to cope with a dry cough
A dry cough does not produce phlegm or sputum. Drinking plenty of water can help, and you may want to avoiding lying on your back.

How to sleep better at night
Are you struggling to get to sleep, or waking frequently during the night? Small changes, like avoiding screens before bed, might help.

Reflexology for stress and anxiety
Feeling stressed or anxious and looking for something to relieve the tension? Watch this video from Hospiscare Complementary Therapist, Helen, to discover some techniques that might help.

Mindful Moments
Whether you're a staff member, volunteer, patient or a member of the public, these videos are designed to help you take a moment to consider your own wellbeing. Have a browse below to find a session to suit you.