Information about grief
In this section, you’ll find practical advice and support to help you through the grieving process. You may also want to visit our bereavement pages.

Why grief is like a ball in a box
Everyone experiences grief differently. This analogy helps to explain how grief might affect you as time goes on.

What is grief and how to help
The death of someone close to you can be emotionally traumatic. There may be intense emotions that are not easy to cope with.

What to say to someone who’s been bereaved
The most important thing is to listen and let the bereaved person know that you care and that you’re here for them.

The domino effect of losing a loved one
Many people will be unfamiliar with the term 'secondary grief', yet we will all experience it after the death of a loved one

How to cope with grief when you can't say goodbye
When you experience the death of a loved one, even if it is expected it can leave you feeling stunned. When that death is unexpected, you also have to deal with the shock of the sudden loss.

10 quotes that beautifully express what grief feels like
When you've lost someone you love, it can be easy to feel like no one gets it. Here are ten of our favourite quotes to help you feel less alone.

How to cope with grief on Mother's Day
At a time when social media is full of Mother's Day messages, how do you cope if you're grieving the loss of your mum?

Honouring Mother’s Day after the death of an adult child
Many people do not know that the traditional Mother’s Day, founded in the early 1900s in America, was created in honour of a bereaved mother.

How to cope with grief on Father's Day
Grief can be particularly painful during special occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries and Father’s Day.

Coping with the death of your spouse
Whether their death was sudden or following a long illness, your whole world changes when your spouse dies.

How to cope with grief at Christmas
Christmas is traditionally a time for families and friends to get together, so it can make grief even harder to cope with.

How to cope with the first Christmas after someone you love has died
Find out which three gifts Hospiscare's Complementary Therapist Sarah recommends you give yourself this Christmas.
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