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Symptom control advice

Symptom Management Plans

This downloadable PDF offers information about symptom management plans for patients dying in the community.

Formulary Update

The latest formulary update regarding palliative care and COVID-19 can be found here.

Use of Non-Parenteral Drugs

This PDF document outlines the protocol for the use of non-parenteral drugs for end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

NICE guidance NG163 – Managing symptoms in the Community

This guidance from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence provides recommendations for managing COVID-19 symptoms for patients in the community, including at the end of life.

Recognising deterioration in people with a learning disabilities

The video below is designed to help health and care workers understand how to recognise deterioration and sepsis in patients with learning disabilities.

Management of delirium 

This guide from the British Geriatric Society offers guidance for managing delirium in confirmed and suspected coronavirus cases.

Devon CCG prescribing guidance

Working with stakeholders across the county, local concise prescribing guidance and prescribing and medication administration records have been produced to support patients who may require medicines for symptom management of COVID-19.

Accessing medications for palliative care

21 local Devon pharmacies keep an extended supply of medications that might be needed for Palliative Care support. An up to date list of pharmacies can be found here (external site).