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Hospiscare Heroes – From epic walks to plant sales

Our Hospiscare Heroes have been flexing their super powers to support our charity in an incredible variety of ways

Our Hospiscare Heroes are truly super; week after week, they support our local charity with their fundraising endeavours across Exeter, Mid and East Devon and help to save our services for the future.

From all of us at Hospiscare, we are sending a huge thank you to all of our Hospiscare Heroes. Read on to find out how they have been flexing their super powers this week.

A group of people wearing Hospiscare t-shirts holding a big cheque

We would like to say a huge thank you to Alan Rowe for his incredible support of our local charity. In response to our emergency ‘Save our Services’ appeal, Alan decided that he would complete a 300 mile trek, following Hospiscare’s geographical boundary of care.

A map of Devon with a red circular route traced

Alan’s incredible walking route of 300 miles, following the geographical boundary of our care

On 22 April, Alan arrived at Searle House, having completed the final leg of his trek and raising a steptacular £3,000 for Hospiscare! It’s only thanks to our community and the efforts of incredible people like Alan that Hospiscare can continue to be there for local patients and their families when they need us most. Thank you, Alan!

If you would like to donate to Alan’s incredible challenge, please click here.

A selfie of a man on the moors

We would also like to say thank you to James Auden who has also taken on an epic walking challenge for Hospiscare. James embarked on the Coast to Coast trek on 20 April – a 113 mile walking challenge from Wembury Beach near Plymouth across Dartmoor and Exmoor to finish at Lynmouth. James will complete the final leg of his week-long challenge today in memory of his stepfather, Ray, who loved the landscapes that formed part of James’s route.

James says, “I wanted to do something for Hospiscare, who took such great care of him in his final days, and who rely largely on donations to support those with terminal illnesses and their families.”

James has raised over £2,000 so far with his incredible challenge and you can support him by clicking here.

Thank you to the Chard Scottish Country Dancing Club who held a fundraiser for Hospiscare on 9 April. A great time was had by all and the event raised £50 for our charity.

A collection of chocolate Easter eggs with people surrounding them

We would like to say a huge thank you to Michaela, Paul and the team at Shoobridge Funeral Services, and to their amazing supporters, for donating 200 Easter eggs to our patients and their families and our staff. They really brightened the Easter weekend for so many people at Searle House. It was also so lovely to meet Shoobridge’s own Easter Bunny and Easter Chick when they delivered the eggs to our patients.

A group of people outside the Thirsty Farmer pub

Thank you (and congratulations!) to Celia Russell and her husband for holding a fundraiser to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on 2 April. Celia, her husband and their family and friends held an afternoon tea in their garden and then celebrated at their local pub, The Thirsty Farmer. They raised a fantastic £120 to support our local charity.

An outdoor plant sale

Thank you to Maureen Morris and the Topsham Friends of Hospiscare for organising a plant sale to raise funds for Hospiscare. Thank you also to The Lighter Inn in Topsham who have kindly given permission for the plant sale table to be set up outside their pub at no cost to our charity.

Three women in front of a Hospiscare banner

Finally, thank you to the Okehampton Friends of Hospiscare for organising a coffee morning on Saturday 23 April. The event was kindly organised by Jill Voaden, Chair of the Okehampton Friends.

We love hearing your stories about how your are fundraising for Hospiscare so please get in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter to share your photos and fundraising tales. 

If you would like to fundraise for us, please visit our fundraising page to find out more.