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Specialist dementia services

Specialist dementia services

We have specialist Admiral Nurses at Hospiscare. They offer extra support to our patients with dementia and their families.

Chrissy Hussey has been working in palliative care in various clinical settings since 2003. She became an Admiral Nurse with Hospiscare in 2016. Chrissy was joined by Julie Morris in 2020. Julie has been working in Hospiscare’s clinical team for a number of years and brings the added benefit of being a non-medical prescriber. Her new role will see her working closely with Chrissy to strengthen our offering to patients who have dementia.

“I provide support to family carers and people living with dementia throughout their dementia journey, particularly during complex periods of transition. In particular, my work revolves around grief and loss, enhancing the adjustments needed as dementia progresses, and enabling carers to cope with their often very demanding role. I also provide education, leadership, development and support to other colleagues and service providers.”


Chrissy and Julie help dementia patients to live more positively in the present and face any challenges ahead. They can help with:

  • Psychological and emotional support
  • Advice and guidance on living a full life
  • Navigating the healthcare system
  • Liaising with other healthcare professionals

If you’re not yet being supported by Hospiscare and believe you’d benefit from hospice services, please ask your GP for a referral.

“Chrissy has been a Godsend to me, she is caring and compassionate, offering both emotional and practical support with I need it most. She has become a very important part of me managing this most difficult of journeys. I feel I can openly discuss any topic relating to my husband’s dual diagnosis (dementia and MND) and the impact that has on our lives.”


Advice and information about living with dementia

Other useful resources

 Dementia UK offers lots of advice on coping with dementia, including information leaflets, case studies and a free helpline (0800 8886678). They also have legal and financial guides.

The Alzheimer’s Society can help you to find local support. The charity runs the National Dementia Helpline and funds research into Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

 The NHS has created a guide to dementia that you might find useful. It sets out what support you can expect from the NHS, and gives advice on money, carer’s assessments and more.

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