The Dillons’ challenge update: three months on the trail

The Dillon family are in the third month of their incredible cycling adventure in memory of Carol

Today marks three months since Barry and his twin sons, Ricky and Gavin, embarked on their incredible adventure to raise funds for Hospiscare in memory of Carol.

To donate to their challenge in support of Hospiscare, please click here.

On 1 July 2022, the Dillons set off from Banff in Canada to take on the longest off-road cycle route in the world: The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route.

With a trail of almost 2,700 miles ahead of them, their journey of almost 90% off-road riding will take them to altitudes of over 3,600m in order to reach their final destination of Antelope Wells on the US/Mexican border.

After three months on the trail, Barry, Ricky and Gavin have cycled nearly 2,000 miles and raised almost £8,000 for Hospiscare! Our team is keeping in regular contact with the Dillon family and you can catch up on their adventures so far using the links below:

One month on the trail

Two months in

Below are a few highlights from their third month on the trail.

When we last caught up with the Dillons at the two month mark, they had just crossed the border into Colorado.

The trio continue across the state, making lots of new friends along the way.

After a couple of days rest in Steamboat Springs, the trio are back on the road, enjoying the beautiful vistas that Colorado has to offer. As they traverse the state, the family passes through a town with a familiar name – Dillon, Colorado!

The Dillons pick up the trail with some old friends from earlier in their adventure and set off from Salida, Colorado.

The trio make a stop at a diner to celebrate a very special occasion – Barry’s 70th birthday! He enjoys a chocolate birthday muffin to mark the occasion.

The Dillons take an emotional knock as one of the riders they had journeyed with is taken ill and cannot continue along the trail with them. With their characteristic sense of humour intact, the trio carry on as “just the three of us”.

After leaving Del Norte, Colorado, the trio take on Indiana Pass, a high mountain pass with a staggering elevation of 3,645m above sea level! Barry is understandably nervous about this section of their adventure, whereas Gavin is sure “we’ll be fine”.

At long last, the Dillons enter New Mexico – the final state on their epic adventure – and so the final leg of their journey begins, with just 700 miles to go….

At the end of their third month, the Dillons have cycled almost 2,000 miles and raised nearly 40% of their fundraising target of £20,000. Click on the map above to view their journey so far.

Continue following the Dillons’ progress and stay up-to-date with their incredible journey via Hospiscare’s Facebook and Instagram, or via the Dillons’ YouTube Channel.

To make a donation to Barry, Ricky and Gavin’s challenge to support the vital work of our hospice, please click here.