The importance of having a Will

Only 45% of the population have a Will, yet a Will is such an important document for you and your family

Peace of mind for you and your loved ones

Writing a Will ensures that your last wishes are carried out. You can direct how you want your belongings to be shared, from your property to prized personal possessions.

If you have young children, your Will allows you to direct who cares for them, who they will live with and how your money should be used to support them.

Such an important document is worth spending a couple of hours with a legal professional to get right. It will save a lot of time for your family at a difficult time for them.

Our Director of Clinical Services, Tina Naldrett, says:

“I find a Will and any other advance direction of our wishes can be something that people are a little afraid of. I don’t see it like that, I see it like house insurance. I take out a Will and write down my wishes and it can then sit on the shelf like house insurance. I may not need it, but if I do, it is so reassuring to know it’s there and will guide people after I am gone, taking some of the pressure away from them trying to guess what I would have wanted.”

Director of Clinical Services, Tina Naldrett

Your lasting gift

As well as looking after your friends and families, your Will enables you to make a lasting gift to the causes you care about. At Hospiscare, 1 in 5 of our patients are cared for as a result of generous gifts left to us in Wills.

From a monetary donation to a percentage of an estate, each gift has played a part in securing our care for future generations – an incredible lasting legacy. We are incredibly thankful for them all.

If you have the capacity to give in this way, we will be so grateful now and in the future. All you need is our charity registration number: 297798 to pass on to your solicitor.

If you would like further information about making a Will, contact our team on 01392 688020 or email [email protected].

Hospiscare has teamed up with local solicitors who will kindly donate their fee to Hospiscare in exchange for writing or updating a single or joint Will. For participating solicitors, please check here.